I was born in the Netherlands in April 1967 in the village of De Bilt. After spending my elementary years in a Waldorff school (Vrije School Zeist), my mother sent me to Amersfoort to one of the best schools of the country. I studied Latin and Greek, which helped me learn other languages later, such as German, French, Russian and Hungarian. I can also read Italian and Spanish.
In 1986 I went to Hungary where I immersed myself in Hungarian language and culture. I completed the 1st year of History at the Lóránt Eötvös University in Budapest (ELTE) and went back to the Netherlands to take an introductory course into general history and political science at Utrecht State University (RUU). I then specialized in Russian and Eastern European Studies and got my masters at the University of Amsterdam (UvA). I wrote my thesis about peasant rebellions in the Soviet Union and graduated with honors.
After graduation I could not find a paid position as a researcher. I had several day time jobs and did my research and wrote low paid articles in my spare time for a variety of newspapers and magazines. I worked as an editor of Eastern Europe, European Union and the Netherlands for monthly magazine Keesings Historisch Archief for 10 years.
In 1998 my first book came out, Messiansime zonder Mededogen. Het communisme, zijn aanhangers en zijn slachtoffers (= Messianism without Mercy. Communism, its adherents and its victims) which has been published in Hungary under the titel Könyertelen messianizmus.
I published my articles mainly in Dutch and Hungarian newspapers and broadened my scope from Russia and Eastern Europe to general geo-political subjects and from there to society, media, politics, history, religion and esoterics.
I am currently working on a book about Ukraine.